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Our goal is to enable digitalization in SMEs by:

Initiating exciting projects

Bringing users and providers together

Communicating existing offers easily and making them accessible

Creating awareness of digital challenges and opportunities

What is ONEX?

Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) ONEX is a competence network of highly qualified experts for professional support in various areas of the business. It aims to ensure support for business development and digital transformation for small and large companies in any industry.



DIH ONEX’s vision is to create a collaborative community focused on digital technologies and new business models that can improve the competitiveness of local companies.



The mission of DIH ONEX is to bridge the gap between digitalization needs in the industry and viable solutions.


Our services

Services offered by us can be placed in the three groups:

Project Management

Business consulting and support in internationalisation

Support in digital transformation


Blue dih
Bsc bar
Dih Maribor
EKT National documentation center
ETF Beograd
Integra tehnology park
Business incubator Novi Sad
Green Dih
Eskisehir Osmangazi University
Faculty of mechanical engineering Belgrade

Latest news


B2GreenHub Open Call

Join @B2GreenHub, your trusted ally in navigating the complexities of the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), helping you transfo...

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Guidance document for Start-up Europe call is available

The European Innovation Council (EIC) is seeking to build synergies with the wider European startup ecosystem via the second wave of actions under the Commission’s 

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Corrigendum - Interregional Innovation Investment (I3) Instrument calls for proposals

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Ongoing European Innovation Ecosystems calls worth €33.5 million

A total budget of €33.5 million is available for creating more connected, inclusive and efficient innovation ecosystems that support the scaling of companies and spur innovation. European Innovation Ecosystems calls 2022 E...

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EIC Pathfinder

What can you expect as part of EIC Pathfinder? With its Pathfinder programme the EIC supports the exploration of bold ideas for radically new technologies. It welcomes the high-risk / high gain and interdisciplinary cutt...

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European Innovation Council permanent calls

Visit the Funding and tendering opportunities site to see 

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Your needs / Our Solutions


Digital transformation

Support in the implementation of the following smart technologies, which contribute to boosting the digitalization level of SMEs:

  • Smart modelling
  • Robotics
  • Internet of Things
  • Data Analytics
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cloud technologies
  • Cybersecurity
  • Sensors

Business model innovation

The digital age has become an impetus for business model innovation, as technology has dramatically changed how companies operate and deliver services to customers. Successful business model innovation in the digital age requires an alignment of IT and business objectives, with the ultimate goal being to improve processes throughout the organization. As a result, top IT executives play a vital role in identifying ways to use new and existing technology.



Our service in the process of internationalisation consists of:

  • Support in Networking
  • Bringing the internationalisation process closer to the company
  • Preparation of the necessary documentation for export
  • Creating a company profile for international cooperation
  • Assistance in finding business partners in the EU and beyond
  • Technology transfer

EU Funding

We have many years of EU project management experience from several Programmes, including Horizon Europe initiatives, IPA, Erasmus, and COSME, in which we assume responsibility for a wide range of support activities. We provide information about funding programmes that support research, innovation, and commercial projects. We provide clients with links to open and upcoming calls.


Project development

Project Ideas are where our clients begin documenting proposals for grant applications. We can support you in transforming your basic project ideas or advanced project concepts into real business stories. Project development is the process of establishing and leading the work of a team to achieve all project goals within the given constraints.


Project coordination

Project coordination is focused on the daily tasks required to keep a project running smoothly, while project management involves more high-level planning—such as determining project objectives and deliverables. Reporting in project management refers to providing a high-level overview that offers the critical data the project generates in a simple, easy-to-use format.




MetaTech Exchange: Bridging Industry 4.0 in Western Balkans (METATECH4.0)

Aligned with EU strategies for digitalization and innovation, the project addresses critical challenges facing the metal industry and VET sector in the Western Balkans. The initiative identifies key areas for intervention, like limited multila...

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Regional Innovation Support Ecosystems (RISE) project

Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) ONEX from Banja Luka participates in the RISE project (Regional Innovation Support Ecosystems), which is implemented within the Interreg program for the Danube region. This initiative, supported by the European Union,...

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Circular Innovation Hub (CI -Hub) project

DIH ONEX has successfully started the implementation of the EU Interreg Danube project Circular Innovation Hub (CI-Hub). The general goal of the project is to improve innovative capacities in less-developed regions by using th...

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Driving deeptech growth X 2.0!

About the X 2.0 project X2.0 is a deeptech growth programme that seeks to ensure the scaling up of EU deeptech startups by providing custom, industry-focused, growth programme that will act as a catalyst in delivering market-ready appl...

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Reach incubator EU

REACH is a European-wide second-generation incubator for data-fuelled start-ups & SMEs that aims to facilitate the development of trusted and secure innovative solutions based on industrial and personal data. REACH aims to be the ma...

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SMART4ALL is a H2020-funded project (Grant Agreement No. 872614) that builds capacity amongst European stakeholders via the development of self-sustained, cross-border experiments that transfer knowledge and technology between academia and industr...

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DIH Squared

DIH² believes in the power of robotics to transform the agility of manufacturing in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and to drive economic growth across the European Union. The project`s role is to facilitate the connections that ena...

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How do I get Horizon Europe funding?

Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation with a budget of €95.5 billion. How do I get Horizon Europe funding?

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How the firm used ICT to enhance its business model?

A successful case of the ICT use.

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