DIH ONEX’s vision is to create a collaborative community focused on digital technologies and new business models that can improve the competitiveness of local companies.
The mission of DIH ONEX is to bridge the gap between digitalization needs in the industry and viable solutions.

Our services
Services offered by us can be placed in the three groups:
Project Management
Business consulting and support in internationalisation
Support in digital transformation
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Your needs / Our Solutions
Digital transformation
Support in the implementation of the following smart technologies, which contribute to boosting the digitalization level of SMEs:
- Smart modelling
- Robotics
- Internet of Things
- Data Analytics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cloud technologies
- Cybersecurity
- Sensors

Business model innovation
The digital age has become an impetus for business model innovation, as technology has dramatically changed how companies operate and deliver services to customers. Successful business model innovation in the digital age requires an alignment of IT and business objectives, with the ultimate goal being to improve processes throughout the organization. As a result, top IT executives play a vital role in identifying ways to use new and existing technology.

Our service in the process of internationalisation consists of:
- Support in Networking
- Bringing the internationalisation process closer to the company
- Preparation of the necessary documentation for export
- Creating a company profile for international cooperation
- Assistance in finding business partners in the EU and beyond
- Technology transfer

EU Funding
We have many years of EU project management experience from several Programmes, including Horizon Europe initiatives, IPA, Erasmus, and COSME, in which we assume responsibility for a wide range of support activities. We provide information about funding programmes that support research, innovation, and commercial projects. We provide clients with links to open and upcoming calls.

Project development
Project Ideas are where our clients begin documenting proposals for grant applications. We can support you in transforming your basic project ideas or advanced project concepts into real business stories. Project development is the process of establishing and leading the work of a team to achieve all project goals within the given constraints.

Project coordination
Project coordination is focused on the daily tasks required to keep a project running smoothly, while project management involves more high-level planning—such as determining project objectives and deliverables. Reporting in project management refers to providing a high-level overview that offers the critical data the project generates in a simple, easy-to-use format.

How do I get Horizon Europe funding?
Horizon Europe is the EU’s key funding programme for research and innovation with a budget of €95.5 billion. How do I get Horizon Europe funding?
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