DIH ONEX aims to create an effective collaboration between institutions, government agencies, private companies, educational institutions, NGOs, communities and entrepreneurs.
Innovation support and consulting
DIH ONEX offers innovation support and consulting services for companies, in order to develop new innovative products and services.
Development of innovation projects
DIH ONEX facilitates the development of partnerships to promote collaboration in research and development and innovation projects to increase the competitiveness of SMEs and to develop new innovative products/services.
Access to funding opportunities
DIH ONEX facilitates access to funding sources for innovative projects by providing an ideal mix of funding models, such as European non-reimbursable funds, venture capital funds, business angels and crowdfunding.
Project coordination & reporting
DIH ONEX offers profound expertise in custom-made screening and managing of EU-funded projects in the following areas: Digitalisation, Research & Development, and Innovation. It helps secure financing with smooth and timely project implementation with efficient project coordination and reporting.
Bussiness consulting and support in internationalisation
Business coach
DIH ONEX experts provide assistance and guidance to entrepreneurs in running a business, helping them clarify their business vision and how it fits into their long-term goals. Business coaching is a process used to take a business from where it is now to where the business owner wants it to be.
Research and development services
DIH ONEX offers research and development services in key areas such as Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Transportation Systems, High-Performance Computing, Smart City, Digitization, Cyber Security, and Big Data.
Training and professional development
DIH ONEX offers training and personal development services through the platform that covers over 30 areas and technologies.
Test before investing
DIH ONEX offers access to technical expertise and experimentation so that all those interested can "test before investing".
Support in digital transformation
Catalogue of experts
DIH ONEX provides a catalogue of experts dedicated to the needs of companies. The services in the domain of digital transformation of the business: web pages and web store creation, creation of CRM and ERP systems, business intelligence, etc. But the experts also provide support in the following areas: programming, graphic design, process transformation/ digitalization, etc.
Technical consulting services to SMES
DIH ONEX offers technical consulting services to SMEs wishing to develop technologies in the following key areas: Artificial Intelligence, Intelligent Transportation Systems, High-Performance Computing, Smart City, Digitization, Cyber Security, and Big Data.
Digital marketing
DIH ONEX promotes successful innovative projects and ideas, both on the official website of the Hub, on social media and in the events, to increase the visibility of companies that have received support from DIH ONEX.
Facilitates the creation of collaboration networks between public institutions, universities, research organizations, industry, and SMEs and connects these entities to the European eDIH network and any other type of collaboration network and intensive know-how transfer at European and international.